
For Singles – 2




I often encourage single people to discover God’s purpose for their lives by pursuing Him more than a mate. Unfortunately, many singles have accepted society’s view that singleness is a rigid, lonely, incomplete stage in life. However, the truth is we can only form healthy relationships with others by being comfortable in our singleness! This comfort comes when we first form an authentic relationship with God. Otherwise, we won’t know who we are or what we are supposed to be doing. If that is the case, how can we expect to get along with someone else?

Some single women have said to me that they feel they cannot fulfill the will of God for their lives if they are not married! That is far from the truth! Jesus was single. It is possible for singles to truly devote themselves to God’s purpose for their lives without any distractions. On the other hand, married people have to consider, and be devoted to, each other as they are bound by their marriage vows. They also have to consider their children, and how they will be raised. God has a purpose for each of us whether we are single or married. However, most importantly, we have to develop our relationship with God first, and allow Him to define who we are.

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