
Seeing Yourself through God’s Eyes

As believers, our overarching goal should be to see more of God in our lives. We can achieve a clear spiritual vision when our motives are pure. A clear vision allows us to see where we’re going on our journey through life, and it all begins with the right motivation behind everything we do. When we listen for God’s direction, we begin to hear His voice guiding our steps and to catch more and more glimpses of Him. How we see ourselves determines whether or not we can see God working in our lives; a negative self-image prevents us from seeing ourselves and our circumstances through God’s eyes. Getting our hearts and minds right with God allows us to sense His presence, learn our identity in Him, and see things as He sees them. Knowing who we are in Christ enables us to see ourselves—and others—in a whole new light.

David is an example of someone who saw through God’s eyes. As far as David was concerned, Goliath, the giant, did not stand a chance of victory because David saw him as someone he could beat by relying on the promises of God. David made a quality decision that he would be the one to face the giant. No matter how tall Goliath was, David knew how big and powerful His God was. How was David able to see Goliath in this way? Was it his training? No, because he didn’t have any. Was it his combat knowledge from being in the military? No, because he’d never been in the military. His heart, inner thoughts, and motive made him see things differently. Where others were afraid and intimidated by Goliath, David’s ability came from his views of God’s covenant. We, too, must have God’s covenant in mind as we face giants. We’ve got to think “covenant” when it comes to God’s plan for our lives and His opinion of us. We can have David’s mindset and declare the words, “I am a child of God—the seed of Abraham. God’s promises belong to me!”

We must see the power in God’s Word that gives us the ability to have dominion and authority exercised and released in our daily lives. The Word must be spoken, acted out, and meditated upon so that we can get a revelation of it. Once we get a revelation of God’s Words spoken into our lives, we will begin to change. The Word will grow on the inside, and we will begin to see ourselves as God sees us. We will believe and declare, “I’m the apple of His eye; I’m the chosen; I’m the beloved. I am His prized possession!” When we get this opinion of who we are and how He sees us, I’m telling you there’s no demon in hell that’ll be able to stop us or hold us back! Jesus is our completion, so we must understand that we are complete in Him. God sees us through the blood of Jesus; it’s Christ’s blood that enables us to exercise and operate in authority and God’s dominion. Dear brother and sister, I pray today that you’ll know without a shadow of a doubt that God’s view of you is more important than anyone else’s view. See yourself as God sees you!

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